American drinkers are boozing more, according to two new studies this month, and that’s leading to more alcohol-related deaths.
Thanks to our ballooning benders, 73,000 Americans died from liver disease and other alcohol-related illnesses in 2017 — more than double in 1999 when that number was 36,000, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
While men died at higher rates overall, the study, published last week in the journal “Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research,” reported the largest increases in alcohol-induced deaths were among middle-aged individuals and women, especially white women.
上周发表在《酒精中毒:临床与实验研究》(Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research)杂志上的这项研究报告称,男性的总体死亡率更高,但酒精导致的死亡增幅最大的是中年人和女性,尤其是白人女性。
“With the increases in alcohol use among women, there’s been increases in harms for women including ER visits, hospitalization and deaths,” Aaron White, lead study author, told NPR.
该研究的主要作者亚伦·怀特(Aaron White)告诉美国国家公共电台(NPR):“随着女性饮酒人数的增加,女性受到的伤害也在增加,包括急诊、住院和死亡。”
Their research indicates that alcohol is even deadlier than illicit drugs, including opioids, which claimed the lives of about 70,000 in 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cigarettes, however, remain America’s No. 1 killer with more than 480,000 dying each year due to smoking-related illness.
他们的研究表明,酒精甚至比包括阿片类药物在内的非法药物更致命。根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的数据,2017年,阿片类药物夺走了约7万人的生命。然而,香烟仍然是美国的头号杀手,每年有超过48万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。
That study wasn’t the only sobering evidence of America’s growing problem.
Researchers at the CDC revealed this week a 12% increase in binge drinking over a six year period ending in 2017, according to data pulled from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的研究人员本周公布,根据行为风险因素监测系统(Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System)的数据,截至2017年的6年间,美国人酗酒的数量增加了12%。
The CDC totaled the annual number of drinks consumed by adult binge drinkers — meaning those who regularly have four or more alcoholic beverages during one occasion — and found the average number had jumped from 472 in 2011 to 529 in 2017.
For men, the average number escalated from 587 to 666 during the study period, compared to women whose binge drinking rose from 256 to 290 — a differential of 79 versus 34. They also found that those who had not completed high school saw a jump of 45.8%. For individuals with family incomes of less than $25,000 per year, the yearly average leaped from 543 to 673.
The CDC’s report also revealed binge drinking averages by state, and showed that nine states are drinking more than they did in 2011, including New Jersey and New York. In 2017, the state with the lowest average number of drinks during a binge was Massachusetts with 320; the highest was Wyoming with 1,219.
The CDC reminds that binge drinking and alcoholism can lead to risky behaviors, such as drunk driving, domestic violence, unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy and STDs, as well as stroke, heart and liver disease, among other illnesses.