Hiding observations that risk introducing bias defines a standard of reliability in research. But a group of UK scientists have put forward an argument that in many cases, it could be a waste of effort, and one that might even do more harm than good.
Together with colleagues from the University of Edinburgh and the Centre for Public Health in Belfast, clinical researcher Rohan Anand from Queen's University Belfast makes a case that scientists should think long and hard before working blinding procedures into their experiment.
来自贝尔法斯特女王大学的临床研究员Rohan Anand与来自爱丁堡大学和贝尔法斯特公共卫生中心的同事们一起提出了一个案例,即科学家们在对他们的实验进行盲法操作之前应该仔细思考。
Their argument boils down to a question of cost versus benefit. We're quick to recognise the potential rewards of a blinded trial, but some of the less convenient consequences might mean it's not worth the fuss.
"Given that the number of new trials is increasing every year, with 25,000 registered since the start of 2019, we are concerned that a substantial amount of time, energy, and funding may be going into considering and implementing blinding without a sound rationale for it," Anand and his fellow researchers state in a recent Analysis article in The BMJ.
That 'sound' rationale is all too easy to take for granted. After all, science evolved as a system of checks and balances to ensure our best ideas explaining the Universe weren't fanciful dreams born of peer pressure and wishful thinking.
Along with replication in experimentation, positive and negative controls, p-values, and randomisation of test subjects, using naïve observers to report and measure variables is just one more way to ensure we don't confuse imagination for reason.
But none of these efforts come for free. Volunteers need to be recruited and screened, for instance, which as any postgrad knows is no easy task. Even then, they don't always stick around to the end.