The presence of an enormous, Neptune-size exoplanet 90 light-years from Earth has been confirmed after it was first spotted in 2019.
The study, published in The Astronomical Journal, confirms the existence of G 9–40b. The researchers used the Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF) in Texas to confirm the planet’s presence, which was first spotted in 2019 by the Kepler spacecraft.
这项发表在《天文学杂志》上的研究证实了G 9-40b的存在。研究人员使用了德克萨斯州的适居带行星探测器(HPF)来确认这颗行星的存在,开普勒太空船于2019年首次发现了这颗行星。
“G 9–40b is amongst the top twenty closest transiting planets known, which makes this discovery really exciting. Further, due to its large transit depth, G 9–40b is an excellent candidate exoplanet to study its atmospheric composition with future space telescopes,” said the study’s lead author, Guðmundur Stefánsson, in a statement.
“G 9-40b是已知最接近的20颗行星之一,这使得这一发现非常令人兴奋。此外,由于其过境深度大,G9-40b是未来空间望远镜研究其大气成分的最佳候选系外行星,”这项研究的第一作者,Guðmundur Stefansson,在一份声明中说。
It’s believed that G 9–40b is “about twice the size of the Earth, but likely closer in size to Neptune.” It also orbits its star, G 9-40, once every 5 days and 17 hours.
科学家认为G 9-40b“大约是地球的两倍大,但可能更接近海王星”。“它还围绕它的恒星G 9-40运行,每5天17小时运行一次。”
The closest confirmed exoplanet to Earth is Proxima Centauri b, which is 4.2 light-years from Earth. In January, researchers discovered the presence of a possible second exoplanet, a “Super-Earth,” also orbiting Proxima Centauri.
G 9-40 is an M dwarf star and is approximately 100 light-years from Earth. It has a surface temperature of approximately 5,600 degrees Fahrenheit, according to The Next Web. For comparison purposes, the sun has a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
g9 -40是一颗M矮星,距地球约100光年。它的表面温度大约是5600华氏度。比较一下,太阳的表面温度是10000华氏度。
More than 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered by NASA in total, approximately 50 of which were believed potentially habitable as of September 2018. They have the right size and the right orbit of their star to support surface water and, at least theoretically, to support life.