Rats are becoming more like people — at least in New York.
A research paper published last month in bioRxiv found that the genetic makeup of NYC’s rodent residents has shifted in response to the city.
“We know rats have changed in incredible ways in their behavior and in their diet, just as human communities have changed,” study author and Columbia University population geneticist Arbel Harpak tells the Guardian. “In New York you can see them eat bagels and beer … they adapt in amazing ways.”
To determine how much rodent DNA has altered to optimize the vermin for city living, Harpak and his team first captured 29 NYC rats using bacon, peanut butter and oats — borough rats’ favorite treats — to get them into traps, and then analyze their genomes. They then compared Rat Yorkers’ DNA with those from a northeastern province in China considered to be the brown rats’ birthplace and found that the New York pests’ diet, behavior and movement had all morphed to better suit life in Gotham.
“This could reflect the fact that urban rats have to move through highly artificial environments that are very different from natural habitats,” says Harpak. “So you could argue these gene changes might have evolved to help them move more easily through sewers and pipes.”
Next up for Harpak is figuring out when these genetic changes took place in NYC furballs by analyzing a 125-year-old brown rat pelt from a private collection, he tells the Guardian. “That should give us a clearer indication of when these changes took place,” he says.
In other recent rodent news, a separate study published this month in the journal Current Biology found that rats are far more empathetic than many realize. Researchers in the Netherlands discovered that, under certain conditions, rats will avoid hurting fellow rats — even if it means losing out on potential treats.
在最近的其他啮齿动物新闻中,本月发表在《当代生物学》(Current Biology)杂志上的另一项研究发现,老鼠远比许多人意识到的更有同理心。荷兰的研究人员发现,在某些情况下,老鼠会避免伤害同类——即使这意味着失去潜在的奖励。