Many patients with diabetes with a long course of disease will be asked by the doctor to pay attention to the color and wound on the leg and foot.
People who don't understand often don't understand why, this is actually doctors afraid they have diabetic foot.
Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, diabetic sufficient terminal stage cent is dry wet two kinds, can pass the distinction such as whether the wound has purulent sex secretions, peculiar smell, color change, but the condition is often already more serious.
Beijing tsinghua changgung hospital vascular surgery deputy chief physician zhang tong, clinical, doctors often according to the involved system, the diabetic foot will be divided into ischemic type, neurological type and mixed type.
The symptoms of ischemic blood type are lower limb cooling, walking affected, resting pain, etc., which are more dangerous and easily lead to amputation.
Neurological type is often manifested as lower limb sensory abnormalities, such as numbness, pain, there are also many patients belong to the mixed type.
When the patient's foot is broken, in order to avoid bacterial infection, professional doctors should first of all to the wound for dressing disinfection or debridement;
If there is infection, after disinfection debridement, but also for the infection area, depth, bacterial species, combined with antimicrobial treatment.
Vascular stenosis is the most important cause of diabetic foot. According to statistical analysis, the proportion of diabetic foot with ischemic type in Chinese patients is 75 to 80 percent.
The longer the course of diabetes, the more serious the systemic microvascular injury, the higher the degree of microcirculation obstruction;
However, the blood vessels in the lower extremity are very slender, the diameter of the tube is small, and the foot is furthest from the heart, which is more likely to be blocked by microcirculation and lead to ischemia.
In this case, not to solve the vascular lesions, debridement alone not only can not effectively delay the progress of sugar foot, but also will be counterproductive.
The correct approach is to early use of antiplatelet, vasodilator drugs, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, sagrel ester, prostagstagen, and so on, for the symptoms of lower limb ischemia.
In most cases, minimally invasive surgery is used to treat patients with narrowed or blocked blood vessels.
Such as percutaneous puncture, "lower limb arterial lumen intervention" treatment.
During the procedure, a balloon is inserted into the blocked area and then "pumped up" to "open" the narrow blood vessel. Once the balloon is removed, the blood flow is restored, or a stent is placed at the affected area.
A more reasonable and advanced approach is to remove plaques or thrombus in the lesion area by plaque rotation or plaque ablation catheter, which is more thorough and does not need to implant foreign bodies, and has a higher patency rate after reconstruction of blood supply, and is convenient for later maintenance.