One of the fastest and cheapest ways to counteract the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity on our planet is to plant billions of trees across the world in order to sequester the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and forests act as huge stores of carbon.
However, a report cautions against mass tree planting which could cause harm to other critical carbon stores, and instead urges a carefully planned tree planting process, resulting in "the right trees in the right place for the right reason".
The authors said examples of poor previous decisions in the UK included planting trees into peatlands.
The UK's soggy peatlands store vast quantities of carbon, but planting trees in these ecosystems dries out the soil and can ultimately mean the trees are responsible for releasing more carbon than they sequester.
NCC member Professor Ian Bateman from the University of Exeter, told The Independent: "Planting trees in the right place is an amazing way of storing carbon. If you put the right trees in the right place, it can do a lot of good. But of course the flipside of that is that you can put the wrong trees in the wrong place.
"The capacity of a wetland or peatland to store carbon is limited only by its size and shape. They can store truly tremendous amounts of carbon - far more than you will ever get in a forest.
The authors state: "Increased tree planting without careful planning is likely to lead to the loss of other habitats and land uses, including species rich grasslands, heathlands and peatlands, particularly where these are in a degraded state."
作者表示: “如果不仔细规划,增加植树可能会导致其他生境和土地用途的丧失,包括物种丰富的草原、荒原和泥炭地,特别是在这些处于退化状态的地区。”
They added: "In addition, the wrong trees in the wrong places can have adverse impacts on soil (including soil carbon), water flows, water quality, recreation, biodiversity and air quality."
As well as planting trees, the report says greater effort ought to be put into managing existing forested areas.