Scientists have discovered that a comet called 2I/Borisov – only the second interstellar object ever detected passing through the solar system – is surprisingly different in its composition from comets hailing from our celestial neighborhood.
Gas coming off 2I/Borisov contained high amounts of carbon monoxide – far more than comets formed in our solar system – indicating the object had large concentrations of carbon monoxide ice, researchers said on Monday.
Carbon monoxide, poisonous to humans, is common as a gas in space and forms as ice only in the most frigid locations. The presence of so much carbon monoxide, the researchers said, suggests 2I/Borisov formed in a different manner than comets in our solar system – in a very cold outer region of its home star system or around a star cooler than the sun.
Comets essentially are dirty snowballs composed of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit stars.
“We like to refer to 2I/Borisov as a snowman from a dark and cold place,” said planetary scientist Dennis Bodewits of Auburn University in Alabama, lead author of one of two 2I/Borisov studies published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
阿拉巴马州奥本大学的行星科学家Dennis Bodewits说:“我们喜欢把2I/Borisov比作来自黑暗和寒冷地方的雪人。”他是发表在《自然天文学》杂志上的两篇2I/Borisov研究论文之一的主要作者。
The comet, detected in August 2019 by amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov and estimated to be about six-tenths of a mile (1-km) wide, has zoomed through interstellar space after being ejected from its original star system.
It was born long ago in a rotating disc of gas and dust surrounding a newly formed star in a place that must have been rich in carbon monoxide, Bodewits said. That star may have been what is called an M-dwarf, far smaller and cooler than the sun and the smallest type of star that is known, Bodewits said.
Bodewits说,它很久以前就诞生在一个旋转的圆盘里,周围环绕着一颗新形成的恒星,那里一定富含一氧化碳。博德威特说,这颗恒星可能是所谓的“m -矮星”,比太阳小得多,温度也低得多,是已知的最小的恒星类型。