在当地团体、环保组织大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)和宠物品牌希宝(Sheba)的合作努力下,约有四万平方米的珊瑚礁已被重新注入生机。这是到 2029 年修复世界上 18.5 万平方米珊瑚礁计划的其中一部分。
Over the years, there have been many attempts to revive coral reefs, some more successful than others. A technique being tried in Indonesia uses a network of metal frames with fragments of live corals attached to them.
The results so far show a rapid recovery and a return of the fish that local communities depend on. The goal now is to apply the same system to other parts of the world.
Although each project is on a relativelysmall scale, and all reefs are threatened by rising temperatures, scientists say it is worth trying everything to save as many as possible.
Questions may be raised about the funding for the project – it's from the pet food company, Sheba, which uses a lot of fish in its products. It says it's committed to the long-term health of the oceans.