教程:科学前沿  浏览:302  
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    You've finally tucked yourself into bed and cracked open the detective novel you've been waiting all day to get back to. Three pages later, you're fighting a losing battle against two suddenly very heavy eyelidsminutes ago, and the protagonistjust uncovered a promisingnew lead in the case. So, what gives?


    As the BBC's Science Focus explains, the coziness of your covers could be working against you. People usually try to read in a quiet, comfortable atmosphere, and those conditions happen to be ideal for sleep. Reading also eases your mind and draws its focus away from whatever preoccupations might otherwise keep you awake.


    "For many [people], reading can be relaxing and enjoyable, which can put your mind and body in the appropriate mindset or mood to go to sleep,” Dr. Raman Malhotra, a neurologist and member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine's board of directors, told Refinery29. “The main reason reading may help some fall asleep is that it allows your mind some time to rest and relax before turning out the lights to fall asleep.”


    The concentration required to process every word can be pretty exhausting, too, especially if your chosen tome is denseit. Book Riot suggests reading in the morning, or trying an audiobook instead. Reading in a spot that isn't your bed—preferably one where you're sitting up, rather than lying down—can help, too. Reading in a public place like a coffee shop or park can also discourage dozing7.

    对于想要更快入睡的人而言,上述这些因素都使得睡前读书成了催眠妙法。但如果打瞌睡的冲动让你总是无法读完一本好书,这里有几个消除睡意的窍门。Book Riot网站建议你在早上读书,或者尝试一下有声读物。不要在床上读书,要在一个你能坐而不能躺的地方读书,这对你会有帮助。在咖啡馆或公园这样的公共场所读书也可以赶跑睡虫。

      上一篇:60岁后新陈代谢才开始减速 下一篇:科学家发现了尼安德特人最后的藏身之所


