New Words:
best man [ˌbest ˈmæn] n. 男傧相;伴郎
unexpectedly [ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪdli] adv. 意外地;出乎意料地;无意
aisle [aɪl] n.走道,过道
seagull [ˈsiːɡʌl] n.海鸥
I was best man at my friend's 2nd wedding. I started my speech with "welcome back everyone" he was not happy.
All three of the grandmothers unexpectedly showed up to the wedding in the exact samedress!!
Turns out the mint my brother gave me before he walked me down the aisle was also my 'something blue’. Thanks, Patrick.
I went to a wedding on a beach in Florida. While the bride was walking down the "aisle", a flock of seagulls flew over the audience and one of them dropped a fish head on the mother of the bride.
我去佛罗里达的海滩参加了婚礼。当新娘正在过 “过道”时,一群海鸥飞过观众席,其中一只海鸥把鱼头仍在了新娘的母亲身上。
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