实战口语情景对话:San Francisco 旧金山
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    实战口语情景对话:San Francisco 旧金山
    San Francisco is one of the most well-known cities in America, mainly because the city has great weather, wonderful views, and many famous landmarks. The city is on a peninsula so it is surrounded by water, with the Pacific Ocean on one side and San Francisco Bay on the other.


    The most famous landmark in San Francisco is probably the Golden Gate Bridge which is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. The bridge was completed in 1937 and is still widely used today. The bridge has an Art Deco design and unique orange color, making it not only practical, but beautiful as well.


    Another famous landmark with an Art Deco design is Coit Tower, which is 210 feet tall and sits atop Telegraph Hill. The tower was designed to look like a fire hose nozzle in memory to the many brave firemen who battled the Great San Francisco Fire from the 1906 earthquake.


    In San Francisco, even the prisons are unique. Alcatraz is now probably one of America's most famous prisons. It sits on an island in San Francisco Bay so it offers some of the best views of the city. Alcatraz is no longer in use but open for tourists year round.


    Unlike the other landmarks that can be seen from afar, Lombard Street is a famous spot that is hard to find. The street sits in a very hilly residential area. Originally, the street was designed with many curves to make it safe to travel down. The street is lined on both sides with various bushes, trees, and flowers making it a drive-thru garden.


    Like other large American cities, San Francisco has many tall buildings, or skyscrapers as they are commonly called. The most famous of these is the Transamerica Building which is shaped like a pyramid. The building is not the tallest in the city, but it is definitely its most memorable.


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