实战口语情景对话:More running 多跑步
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    实战口语情景对话:More running 多跑步
    Todd: So, Shona, we both say that we love running. Why do you like to run?


    Shona: Well, actually, the reason I enjoy running is because a few years ago. I started university. I got a little bit sad, a little bit depressed cause I was away from home for the first time and I was completely new to exercise. I wasn't particularly healthy. You know, I was more into smoking, drinking, and partying and stuff, and one of my friends, like, dragged me out one day and took me for a jog, and I was crap, like, you know, I could only run for like a minute or so, but I just noticed such and affect on my mood and it just completely lifted my mood, and I was like really, really happy afterwards, a runner's high, and like you know, the more I got used to it and the more I could run, the happier I got, and it's just like, it was basically down to that, it was like a emotional thing, rather than anything else.


    Todd: Wow, that's interesting because you know I'm exactly the same way. Like, people think that I run because it's a chore and I want to stay fit, or I want to lose weight, but actually it's all mental. I look forward to running every day.


    Shona: Yeah.


    Todd: I never feel like, "Oh, I have to go running." It's always like, "Oh, cool I get to go runnning."


    Shona: Cool. It's like an addiction kind of in a way.


    Todd: Yeah, I think so. Like, you're right. It does something for your moods, but when you run, now do you like to run with people or do you like to run alone?


    Shona: No, I like to run alone, completely. I mean, I've tried it like friends and stuff but they're either too quick for me or too slow for me. Like, I like to go at my own pace. So, it's the same with anything, you know. I much prefer to do things alone, like, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but, yeah, I'd say. What about yourself? Do you prefer to go alone or...?


    Todd: No, I think exactly what you said. I have a hard time running with other people. They either are faster than you and you have a hard time keeping up, or they're slower than you and you can't really run.


    Shona: Yeah, you can't get in a proper workout or thing. It's not doing the job. Yeah.


    Todd: Yeah, and also, you know, I think it's a great activity because it's free.

    托德:对,另外 ,我认为跑步是一项非常棒的运动,因为很自由。

    Shona: Exactly. Exactly. All you need is like a really good pair of trainers and it doesn't matter where you are in the world. Like and it's a fantastic way to explore as well. Like if you are new to a place, just get on your trainers and go for a jog and you'll like know that place pretty soon, just from running about.


    Todd: Right, I totally agree. It's funny.


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