实战口语情景对话:Is it common for man to cook in your country? 在你们国家男性做饭普遍吗?
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    实战口语情景对话:Is it common for man to cook in your country? 在你们国家男性做饭普遍吗?
    Lia: Hi, this is Lia from Indonesia.


    Santi: And this is Santi. The same, from Indonesia.


    Lia: We are both sisters. So, my question for you is ... Is it common for a man to cook in your country?


    Santi: Well, I will answer from my family perspective. No, it's not common in our family to have a man cook in our kitchen cause it will cause a mess and well, especially, my father he loves to cook, he wants to cook but our mother says no directly because when he cooks when he prepares all of the things he tends to make the kitchen dirty and we have to clean it later on so no.


    Lia: So that's the point of your family. What about in our country?


    Santi: I think maybe younger people, younger families use to do it but for the older couples, I think no. Right?


    Lia: Yes, that's right.


      上一篇:实战口语情景对话:What can you do for the environment? 你能为环保做些什么? 下一篇:实战口语情景对话:Is it common to have a housekeeper where you live? 在你生活的地方请管家普遍吗?

