实战口语情景对话:Do you prefer to cook or eat out? 你喜欢做饭吃还是去外面吃饭?
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    实战口语情景对话:Do you prefer to cook or eat out? 你喜欢做饭吃还是去外面吃饭?
    Diego: Hello, this is Diego from Mexico.


    Elena: And Elena from Bulgaria. Today's question is do your prefer to cook or eat out?


    Diego: I have to say I prefer to cook. The reason why is because I really know what I like to eat and sometimes I have these really specific cravings so everything that I want to eat, I just go the supermarket, buy it, and then mix it into something, and then it turns out to be really good because I put in all the ingredients that I wanted to eat in the first place.


    Elena: And usually it's a lot healthier, too.


    Diego: Yeah. Besides being healthier, it's also cheaper and the portions are bigger and sometimes you can have leftovers for the next day for lunch of something like that, so I don't know. I guess if you're a student and you put all of this factors together, I guess the answer is really simple. It's better to cook.


      上一篇:实战口语情景对话:What is your favorite Chinese dish? 最喜欢的中国菜? 下一篇:实战口语情景对话:What's is your country's best city? 你们国家最好的城市是哪里?

