An explosion took place between two subway stations in St. Petersburg, Russia, yesterday and officials say it was a terrorist attack.
This happened just after 2:30 p.m. in Russia`s second largest city. Russian officials say one explosive device went off on a moving subway train. It killed at least 10 people and wounded dozens of others. A second device was reportedly found and defused at another station.
俄罗斯第二大城市下午2:30发生恐怖袭击.俄罗斯官员表示,在一辆运行的火车上一个爆炸装置被启动.这起爆炸事件导致至少10人死亡,数十人受伤. 据报道,第二个爆炸装置在另外一个车站被发现,并解除了危险.
St. Petersburg`s entire train system, which carries more than 2 million people a day, was shut down. And a time we produce this show, no group had claimed responsibility for the attack.
圣彼得堡整个每天铁路系统每天运载超过200万人, 因为爆炸事件,铁路系统被关闭.当我们制作本期节目的时候后,尚未有组织宣布对此次袭击事件负责.
The conductor of the damaged train might have saved lives. Russian investigators say he kept the train moving after the explosion rather than stopping in the tunnel. Because he made it to the next station, surviving passengers were able to get out and rescuers were able to help the injured.
爆炸火车的指挥人挽救了很多生命.俄罗斯调查人员表示,在爆炸发生之后, 指挥人员一直让火车继续运载,而不是停在隧道上.由于列车指挥人员成功将 列车停在下一站,这使得生还的乘客能够下车,而救援人员也可以帮助伤者.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was in St. Petersburg at the time, speaking at a media event. A Russian official suggested the location and timing of the blast might have been intended to coincide with Putin`s visit.
Several terrorist attacks were carried in Russia earlier this century, but the nation has had relatively few in recent years
An explosion took place between two subway stations in St. Petersburg, Russia, yesterday and officials say it was a terrorist attack.
This happened just after 2:30 p.m. in Russia`s second largest city. Russian officials say one explosive device went off on a moving subway train. It killed at least 10 people and wounded dozens of others. A second device was reportedly found and defused at another station.
St. Petersburg`s entire train system, which carries more than 2 million people a day, was shut down. And a time we produce this show, no group had claimed responsibility for the attack.
The conductor of the damaged train might have saved lives. Russian investigators say he kept the train moving after the explosion rather than stopping in the tunnel. Because he made it to the next station, surviving passengers were able to get out and rescuers were able to help the injured.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was in St. Petersburg at the time, speaking at a media event. A Russian official suggested the location and timing of the blast might have been intended to coincide with Putin`s visit.
Several terrorist attacks were carried in Russia earlier this century, but the nation has had relatively few in recent years