首页 >英语培训费用 > 川菜海外走红:花椒价格翻10倍,豆瓣酱成“爆款”


2021-01-25   作者:

Recently, the McDonald's restaurant in the United States launched a limited supply of Sichuan spicy sauce, attracting people lining up to buy, the store had to urge the police to maintain order.?


Due to limited supply, many customers were told to sell out hot sauce after being served for several hours. Some customers even held a sign to protest.


A week later, "San Francisco Chengdu Food Culture Festival" that would take two weeks officially opened in the San Francisco City Hall in the United States.?


Chengdu catering enterprises featuring Sichuan food raw materials, also took Pixian bean paste, rice swept light, pepper and a variety of dip to the scene.?


During the event, Mapo Tofu, Chung Shui dumplings and twice-cooked pork were captured in the hearts of American diners. They all praised the fragrant Sichuan cuisine.


According to statistics, at present there are more than 200 Sichuan restaurants of all sizes, including more than 200 Sichuan chefs.?


If you walk in the streets of San Francisco, almost passing every four or five streets will be able to see a Sichuan restaurant. Because of the popularity of Sichuan food, Sichuan excipients will naturally be gained popularity.


Take pepper as example, if in Sichuan it is usually 70 to 180 yuan a catty, while in the United States to buy a pound of money can buy 10 to 20 pounds in China. Even if we subtract all kinds of cross-ocean funds, profits will not be low.?


And as the "Soul of Sichuan" Pixian bean paste exports in overseas sales have reached more than 100 million US dollars. Sichuan food made Americans emotionally exhausting, but also allow Chinese companies have a big profit!


In recent years, the popularity of Chinese food in various overseas markets has also meant that we have successfully reached the world and been recognized, China will certainly be thriving like Sichuan in the future!

