While Tokyo is busy preparing for the 2020 Olympics, people are already psyched for it. A few Japanese artists have come together to create an unofficial promotion campaign for the big event, drawing inspiration from a subject they're incredibly passionate about. Anime. They have been reimagining the participating countries as badass characters who are ready to go into combat, and the designs are very Japanese.
Each competitor is created with the culture, history and national identity of the corresponding country in mind, offering a pretty visual harmonious diversity. Which is what the Olympics is all about.

2.Philippines 菲律宾

3.UK 英国

4.Vietnam 越南

5.Japan 日本

6.South Africa 南非

7.South Korea 韩国

8.China 中国

9.Malaysia 马来西亚

10.Sweden 瑞典

11.Finland 芬兰

12.Italy 意大利

13.Canada 加拿大

14.Spain 西班牙

15.Belgium 比利时

16.France 法国

17.Germany 德国

18.Switzerland 瑞士

19.Argentina 阿根廷

20.Norway 挪威

21.Singapore 新加坡

22.Thailand 泰国

23.Brazil 巴西

24.Indonesia 印尼

25.India 印度

26.Netherlands 荷兰

Venesuela 委内瑞拉

Denmark 丹麦

Russia 俄罗斯

USA 美国