Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, homographs look the same, and homonyms are everything that confuse the heck out of us and befuddle our brains in various linguistic ways. And there’s hardly anyone who knows them better than Bruce Worden, the founder of the ‘Homophones, Weakly’ project. It even has a homophone of ‘weekly’ in the name to gently poke fun at itself, too. It’s brilliant!
同音异义词是听起来一样但含义不同的单词,而同形异义词是看起来一样,同音异义词是最让我们困惑的东西,不论哪种语言这都是能迷惑我们的大脑的事情。几乎没有人比布鲁斯·沃登(Bruce Worden)更了解它们了,他是同音异义词“弱弱地,同音词”项目的创始人。这个名字里甚至还有一个谐音为“weekly”的单词,也可以用来调侃自己。真的非常棒!

desert /'dezət/ n. 沙漠
desert /dɪ'zɜːt/ v. 离弃,舍弃(某地)

buy /baɪ/
by /baɪ/
bye /baɪ/

tear n. /ˈtir/ 眼泪
tear v. /teə/ 撕开;扯坏;扯破

minute n. /'mɪnɪt/ 分钟
minute adj. /maɪnjuːt/ 非常细小的;十分微小的

lessen v. /'les(ə)n/ (使)缩小;(使)减少;(使)减轻
lesson n. /'les(ə)n/ 课

aisle /aɪl/ n. 走廊,走道
I'll /aɪl/ 我会
isle /aɪl/ n. 岛

ad /æd/ n. 广告
add /æd/ v. 加

board /bɔːd/ n. 委员会,董事会
bored /bɔ:d/ adj. 感到厌倦的;感到厌烦的

their /ðeə/
there /ðeə/
they're /ðeə/

affect v. /ə'fekt/ 影响
effect n. /ɪ'fekt/ 影响

vain /veɪn/ adj. 徒劳的,空虚的
vane /veɪn/ n. 风向标,叶片
vein /veɪn/ n. 血管,纹理

throne /θrəʊn/ n. 王座
thrown /θrəun/ throw(扔,抛)的过去分词

band /bænd/ n. 乐队
banned /bænd/ ban(把……逐出)的过去分词