Steve Jobs told his daughter that she smelled 'like a toilet' during one of their last meetings together, her new memoir reveals.史蒂夫·乔布斯的女儿在她的新回忆录中透露,在她与乔布斯最后会面的一次中,乔布斯对她说,她闻起来“就像厕所”。
The Apple founder made the cruel dig at Lisa Brennan-Jobs as he lay dying of cancer because he smelled the rose facial mist she had sprayed on herself.那时苹果公司的创始人乔布斯因身患癌症而不久于人世,当时他闻到了丽萨·布伦南-乔布斯身上的玫瑰喷雾的味道,所以对丽萨说出了这样残忍的话。
In her new book, Small Fry, Lisa reveals how her billionaire father once turned nasty and told her: 'You're getting nothing' when she asked to have his Porsche when he was done with it.在她的新书《一些小事》中,丽萨透露她的亿万富翁父亲曾令她非常难受。当她请求乔布斯在他不要他的保时捷跑车就把车送给她的时候,他对她说:“你什么都得不到”。
'You're not getting anything, you understand?' Jobs told her.“你什么都得不到,懂吗?”乔布斯告诉她。
Lisa writes that Jobs spoke in 'such a sour, biting way' and that he once told 'I'm one of the most important people you will ever know.'丽萨写道,乔布斯曾“用一种非常令人讨厌且刻薄的语气”告诉她,“我是你将会认识的最重要的人中的一个。”
Her memoir gives unprecedented detail about the troubled relationship with her father.她的回忆录记述了她与她的父亲之间糟糕的关系中的那些从未透露过的细节。
She says that for her father, her very existence was a disappointment and a source of shame.她说,对她的父亲而言,她的存在令他失望,她是他的耻辱。
She writes: 'My existence ruined his streak. For me, it was the opposite: the closer I was to him, the less I would feel ashamed; he was part of the world, and he would accelerate me into the light.'她写道:“我的存在毁掉了他的人设。对我而言,一切却恰恰相反:我越靠近他,我越不觉得羞愧;他是我的世界中的一部分,他会使我更快地走向光明。”
Lisa was born in 1978 after Jobs had a five-year relationship with her mother Chrisann Brennan which ended when she became pregnant.丽萨出生于1978年,在那之前乔布斯与她的母亲克里斯安·布伦南交往过五年,然而在布伦南怀孕的时候,他们两个人却分手了。
Acrimony and a court case followed during which Jobs took a paternity test and still denied that he was Lisa's father.之后他们对簿公堂,但讽刺的是,在乔布斯进行了亲子鉴定之后,他仍然否认自己是丽萨的父亲。
Jobs even claimed that he was 'sterile and infertile' yet went on to have three children with his wife Laurene Powell.乔布斯甚至称自己“不孕不育”,然而他与他的妻子劳伦·鲍威尔却育有三个孩子。
Jobs finally reconciled with Lisa and apologized when she was nine years old, but the wounds of his behavior never really healed and the two had a strained relationship.当丽萨九岁的时候,乔布斯最终与丽萨和解,并向她道歉,但他给丽萨带来的创伤永远都无法痊愈,而且两人的关系一直很紧张。