在西方一般指圣诞节或其他节日,因为这些日子在日历上是用红色标明的,所以red-letter可以理解为“可纪念的、喜庆的”。"Red-letter days"这个习语的起源可以追溯到中世纪的宗教狂热时期,当时在天主教的圣人或重要节日上,人们会将日期标记为红色以突出显示。这些日期通常被认为是值得庆祝和纪念的特殊日子。
Christmas and New Year's Day are red-letter days that people look forward to, as they are occasions for celebration and spending time with loved ones.
The day they won the championship was a red-letter day for the team, marking their hard work and dedication paying off in a significant victory.
Christmas and New Year's Day are red-letter days that people look forward to, as they are occasions for celebration and spending time with loved ones.
The day they won the championship was a red-letter day for the team, marking their hard work and dedication paying off in a significant victory.