rabbit hole字面意思“兔子洞”,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中爱丽丝跳进兔子洞中,开始了一场无法预知的惊奇的冒险。引申的含义是“无法脱身;深陷…...之中无法自拔”。
I know when I read a WWI novel I inevitably end up down a rabbit holeresearching the war.
I'm too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort.
I know when I read a WWI novel I inevitably end up down a rabbit holeresearching the war.
I'm too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort.