谚语在英语中叫proverb,引用时经常会在其前面酌情加上old, Chinese, English, Russian之类的形容词;动词一般用go, say, state, has it, put it等,在这些动词后面用逗号或冒号皆可。谚语可加双引号(这时谚语的第一个字母要大写),也可不加双引号(这时第一个字母一般不大写)。引用谚语的表达方式常见的有如下十种: 1) A proverb goes / says, --- 2) As a / the proverb goes / says, --- 3) As a / the proverb has it / puts it, 4) A proverb has it that --- 5) There is a proverb: --- 6) There is a / the proverb that goes / states, --- 7) ---, a / the proverb goes, --- 8) ---, goes a / the proverb, --- 9) --- have a proverb that goes, --- 10) There exists a proverb. It goes, ---