书虫2级 山怪的故事





Some people say that they don't believe in ghosts, or monsters, or mysterious happenings of any kind. They laugh, and say that these are just stories for children. It is easy to laugh in daylight, with people around you. But why are there stories about ghosts in every country of the world? Why do people go on telling ghost stories? Can science explain everything that happens?

Abdul is a modern young man in Oman, going home for the weekend, with a present of a computer game for his little brother Omar. He will never forget that journey for the rest of his life. And a soldier in Asia returns home to his mother after a long war, but there is something not quite right...

But we begin with Sonja in Sweden. Everybody has heard stories about the monsters called trolls in Sweden, but Sonja knows the stories are true, because of her grandfather...

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