

Unit 1 The basis of insurance
Text 1.1 A financial definintion of insurance
Text 1.2 Legal principles of insurance
Uint 2 Life and health in surance
Text 2.1 Some unique characteristics of life insurance
Text 2.2 Health care insurance outstrips inflation
Uint 3 Pensions and pension funds
Text 3.1 How pensions work in the United States
Uint 4 Property insurance
Text 4.1 Insuring a home and its contents
Text 4.2 Five-tier rate system controversial
Uint 5 Credit insurance
Text 5.1 Different types of credit cover
Text 5.2 Five-tire rate system controversial
Uint 6 Inusurance Policies
Text 6.1 Property insurance
Text 6.2 Settlement of claimsand liability damage
Text 6.3 Conditions which aply to the whole policyc
Uint 7 Reinsurance:insuring the insurers
Text 7.1 Reinsurance in property and liability insurance
Text 7.2 Insurers get that sinking feelig
Uint 8 Risk management and insruance
Text 8.1 A risk Management program
Text 8.2 The insurance mechanism
Uint 9 Insurance orgnisations
Text 9.1 All aboard for Allfinanz
Uint 10 Insurance marketing
Text 10.1 United Group:how am insruance agency generates sales leads
Text 10.2 USbands stake out insurance battlefield
Answer key

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