BBC News with David Austin.
Countries, rich and poor have been lambasting the decision by President Trump to pull the United States out of the global agreement on combating climate change. The group of the world’s 48 least developed countries says they were deeply disappointed. The head of the US Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt has said exiting the Paris Accord does not mean disengagement. At the White House Press briefing, he said it was up to other world leaders to decide whether they would sit down and re-negotiate a new deal.
特朗普总统退出全球气候变化协议的决定,引发各国——包括贫困和发达国家——的严厉批评。该组织中全世界48个最欠发达的国家表示,他们对此感到非常失望。美国环境保护局局长斯科特·普鲁特(Scott Pruitt)表示,退出《巴黎协定》并不意味着不参与。他在白宫新闻发布会简报中表示,各国能否坐下来重新协商一份新的协议取决于世界上其他领导人。
President Putin has called allegations that Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House, harmful charter and flatly denied that there had been a secret deal between Moscow and the President before his inauguration. He said continued speculation over the matter was damaging international relations.
The new leader of the biggest party in Ireland’s coalition government Fine Gael is Leo Varadkar, the son of an Indian immigrant and Ireland’s first openly-gay administer. Aged 38, he is said to become Ireland’s youngest Prime Minister.
爱尔兰联合政府中最大的党派——统一党(Fine Gael)新任领袖为利奥·瓦拉德(Leo Varadkar),他是一名印度移民的儿子,也是爱尔兰第一个公开承认同性恋身份的部长。瓦拉德今年38岁,据说有望成为爱尔兰最年轻的总理。
DNA test would be conducted on the belongings of a dead doctor, who may have fathered as many as 60 children at his fertility clinic in the Netherlands. The group of children conceived in the clinic suspected Jan Karbaat wrongfully used his own sperm in IVF treatment.
荷兰一位过世医生的遗物将被拿来进行DNA测试。因为他可能利用自己的生育诊所成了60名孩子的生父。这些孩子怀疑Jan Karbaat在试管授精治疗的过程中不合法地使用了自己的精子。
A judge in Chile has sentenced more than 100 former secret agents and military men for human rights abuses committed during the rule of General Augusto Pinochet. The agents were sentenced between 1.5 and 20 years in jail, over the kidnapping and murder of 16 people in the middle 1970s.
智利一名法官判处了皮诺契特(Augusto Pinochet)将军统治期间犯下践踏人权罪的100多名前特工和军人。这些特工因在上世纪70年代中期绑架并谋杀了16人,被分别判处1.5年至20年监禁。
And the Rhein Museum in Amsterdam has permitted a man to spend the night alone under the watchful eye of militia men in Rembrandt's famous painting, the “Night Watch”. Stefan Kasper, a Dutch school teacher was awarded the experience for becoming the Museum’s ten-millionth visitor.
阿姆斯特丹的莱茵博物馆允许一名男子独自在伦布兰特著名画作——《守夜人》中民兵的注视下过夜。斯特凡•卡斯帕(Stefan Kasper)是一名荷兰教师,他因成为博物馆的第100万名游客,获得了这项殊荣。
Those are the latest story form BBC News.
BBC News with David Austin.
Countries, rich and poor have been lambasting the decision by President Trump to pull the United States out of the global agreement on combating climate change. The group of the world’s 48least developed countries says they were deeply disappointed. The head of the US Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt has said exiting the Paris Accord does not mean disengagement. At the White House Press briefing, he said it was up to other world leaders to decide whether they would sit down and re-negotiate a new deal.
President Putin has called allegations that Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House, harmful charter and flatly denied that there had been a secret deal between Moscow and the President before his inauguration. He said continued speculation over the matter was damaging international relations.
The new leader of the biggest party in Ireland’s coalition government Fine Gael is Leo Varadkar, the son of an Indian immigrant and Ireland’s first openly-gay administer. Aged 38, he is said to become Ireland’s youngest Prime Minister.
DNA test would be conducted on the belongings of a dead doctor, who may have fathered as many as 60 children at his fertility clinic in the Netherlands. The group of children conceived in the clinic suspected Jan Karbaat wrongfully used his own sperm in IVF treatment.
A judge in Chile has sentenced more than 100 former secret agents and military men for human rights abuses committed during the rule of General Augusto Pinochet. The agents were sentenced between 1.5 and 20 years in jail, over the kidnapping and murder of 16 people in the middle 1970s.
And the Rhein Museum in Amsterdam has permitted a man to spend the night alone under the watchful eye of militia men in Rembrandt's famous painting, the “Night Watch”. Stefan Kasper, a Dutch school teacher was awarded the experience for becoming the Museum’s ten-millionth visitor.
Those are the latest story form BBC News.