BBC News with David Austin.
Hospital officials in Lashkar Gah in Southern Afghanistan say a car bomb explosion has killed 34 people and wounded 60. The Taliban say they carried out the attack.
The funeral has taken place in Ohio of an American student, Otto Warmbier, who died on Monday after he’s returned home last week from North Korea in a coma. The 22-year old has spent 18 months in captivity after stealing a political poster from a North Korean hotel.
美国学生奥托·温贝尔(Otto Warmbier)的葬礼在俄亥俄州举行。这名学生于上周在朝鲜昏迷后回国,并于周一去世。今年22岁的他因在朝鲜某旅店窃走一幅含有政治意义的海报而被关押了18个月。
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has arrived in EU summit in Brussels, saying that despite intensive negotiations on Britain leaving, the clear focus must be on the future of the remaining 27. She said she expected concrete results on defense policy.
Tests on high rise apartments in Britain have so far uncovered 3 buildings that were encased incombustible cladding, the material that’s been blamed for accelerating the fire that killed 79people in a west London tower block last week. The government has identified 600 buildings in England alone that it says heavy cladding that should be tested.
Turkey has sent a ship loaded with supplies to the Gulf State of Qatar which has been isolated in a major dispute with its neighbors. Saudi Arabia, the United Emirates and others have severed all the air, land and sailings with Qatar, accusing it of funding jihadi organizations.
A court in Israel has banned the national carrier EL AL from asking female passengers to switch seats if ultra orthodox Jewish men refused to sit next to them. The case was brought by 83-year-old Renee Rabinowitz, a holocaust’s survivor.
以色列一法院禁止其国航以色列航空(EL AL)在有极端正统派犹太教徒拒绝与女性邻座时,就要求女性顾客更换座位的做法。这个案子是由一位名叫蕾妮 拉比诺维茨的83岁的妇人提出,她是大屠杀的一位幸存者。
Robben Island, a place where Nelson Mandela spent almost two decades in prison, has announced it will cull hundreds of fallow deer. Three animals were introduced to the Island in1963, the same year Mr. Mandela arrived there. There has now a herd about 450.
That’s the latest BBC News.
BBC News with David Austin.
Hospital officials in Lashkar Gah in Southern Afghanistan say a car bomb explosion has killed 34people and wounded 60. The Taliban say they carried out the attack.
The funeral has taken place in Ohio of an American student, Otto Warmbier, who died on Monday after he’s returned home last week from North Korea in a coma. The 22-year old has spent 18 months in captivity after stealing a political poster from a North Korean hotel.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has arrived in EU summit in Brussels, saying that despite intensive negotiations on Britain leaving, the clear focus must be on the future of the remaining27. She said she expected concrete results on defense policy.
Tests on high rise apartments in Britain have so far uncovered 3 buildings that were encased incombustible cladding, the material that’s been blamed for accelerating the fire that killed 79people in a west London tower block last week. The government has identified 600 buildings in England alone that it says heavy cladding that should be tested.
Turkey has sent a ship loaded with supplies to the Gulf State of Qatar which has been isolated in a major dispute with its neighbors. Saudi Arabia, the United Emirates and others have severed all the air, land and sailings with Qatar, accusing it of funding jihadi organizations.
A court in Israel has banned the national carrier EL AL from asking female passengers to switch seats if ultra orthodox Jewish men refused to sit next to them. The case was brought by 83-year-old Renee Rabinowitz, a holocaust’s survivor.
Robben Island, a place where Nelson Mandela spent almost two decades in prison, has announced it will cull hundreds of fallow deer. Three animals were introduced to the Island in1963, the same year Mr. Mandela arrived there. There has now a herd about 450.
That’s the latest BBC News.