BBC News with Julia Candler
The authorities in Sierra Leone say rescue workers have recovered nearly 400 bodies from Monday’s mud slides on the outskirt of the capital Freetown. The Chief Coroner warned that as the search continued, the number of the dead was expected to rise above 500. Reports from the city Mortuary speak of chaotic scenes with corpus on every floor.
An internet company that hosts US websites, Dream Hosts, says it’s fighting a demand by the government that it hands over information identifying people who visited online site opposed President Donald Trump. He said this violated the principle of free speech. The website has a focal point for organizing a protest during the presidency inauguration.
一家管理美国网站的互联网公司Dream Hosts表示,他们正与政府的一项要求作斗争。美国政府要求他们上交那些浏览反特朗普总统网站的用户的身份信息。该公司表示,这违反了言论自由的原则。该网站是总统就职典礼期间组织抗议活动的焦点。
The last truck loaded weapons belonging to Colombian former rebels, the FARC, have been removed during the UN supervision. The Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos declared this was the last breath of the country’s 52 year armed conflict.
A falling tree has killed at least 12 people and injured 50 more at a Roman Catholic festival on the Portuguese island of Madera. A video shows the tree falling on a crowded square in the suburb of the main town Funchal.
Police in Latvia say they have arrested over 100 Chinese nationals suspected of being involved in telephone and internet fraud, a suspected of stealing more than 2 million dollars from people in China though scans.
The South African police say they do not know the whereabouts of Grace Mugabe, the First Lady of Zimbabwe, who are scheduled to appear in court in connection with an alleged assault. There are reports that she has returned to Zimbabwe.
Hundreds of people in the Belgian town of Malmedy have feasted on the traditional giant omelet made with 10,000 eggs despite an ongoing ex-healthy scare.
BBC News
BBC News with Julia Candler
The authorities in Sierra Leone say rescue workers have recovered nearly 400 bodies from Monday’s mud slides on the outskirt of the capital Freetown. The Chief Coroner warned that as the search continued, the number of the dead was expected to rise above 500. Reports from the city Mortuary speak of chaotic scenes with corpus on every floor.
An internet company that hosts US websites dream hosts says its fighting are demanded by the government that it hands over information identifying people who visited online site opposed President Donald Trump. He said this violated the principle of free speech. The website has a focal point for organizing a protest during the presidency inauguration.
The last truck loaded weapons belonging to Colombian former rebels the FARC have been removed during the UN supervision. The Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos declared this was the last breath of the country’s 52 year armed conflict.
A falling tree has killed at least 12 people and injured 50 more at a Roman Catholic festival on the Portuguese island of Madera. A video shows the tree falling on a crowded square in the suburb of the main town Phonqiao.
Police in Ledefield say they have arrested over 100 Chinese nationals suspected of being involved in telephone and internet fraud, a suspected of stealing more than 2 million dollars from people in China though scans.
The South African police say they did not know the whereabouts of Grace Mugabe, the first lady of Zimbabwe who will schedule to appear in a court in connection with an alleged assault. There are reports that she has returned to Zimbabwe.
Hundreds of people in the Belgian town of Malmedy have feasted on the traditional giant omelet made with 10,000 eggs despite an ongoing ex-healthy scare.
BBC News