With all these factors, even food that tastes good on the ground will not tastes good in the air. Moreover, since there is no room to prepare food on a plane, it all has to be prepackaged and frozen on the ground and then reheated before serving. By the time it gets to the passenger, it has been through a lot.
Recently, airlines have been working hard to overcome these problems. One strategy has been to offer food with rich spicy sauces like in Indian cuisine. Another has been the use of umami (Click here to read more about umami.) –the savory taste in soy sauce, seaweed, or mushrooms. It appears that it survives the ride better than other flavors.
So next time you are having a meal up there, you might want to be a little more forgiving and stop and think for a moment about the modern-day miracle of eating anything flying at 900 kilometers per hour, 10,000 meters above the earth.