He was one of the most prolific artists in music, releasing 39 studio albums, including four in the last 18 months.
Last month, publisher Spiegel & Grau announced that it acquired Prince's memoir, set for release in fall of 2017.“We're starting from the beginning from my first memory and hopefully we can go all the way up to the Super Bowl,”Prince said.
3月,出版商Spiegel & Grau宣布他们拿到了Prince回忆录的出版权,预计将在2017年秋天出版。“我们将从我最初回忆的开端开始,希望我们能一直写到超级碗”,Prince说。
It now seems unlikely we will ever get to read those words, from one of rock's most elusive and enigmatic performers.
Last month, publisher Spiegel & Grau announced that it acquired Prince's memoir, set for release in fall of 2017.“We're starting from the beginning from my first memory and hopefully we can go all the way up to the Super Bowl,”Prince said.
3月,出版商Spiegel & Grau宣布他们拿到了Prince回忆录的出版权,预计将在2017年秋天出版。“我们将从我最初回忆的开端开始,希望我们能一直写到超级碗”,Prince说。
It now seems unlikely we will ever get to read those words, from one of rock's most elusive and enigmatic performers.