When North Korea held a state funeral for its leader, Kim Jong-il, in 2011, one son was conspicuously absent.
The absence of Kim Jong-nam—the eldest son of the family, who was bound by Korean tradition to preside over the funeral—was all the evidence outside analysts needed to see how isolated he had become from the center of power in North Korea, the world's most secretive regime.
Never fully accepted by his family, sidelined by his powerful stepmother and haunted by fears of assassins, Mr.Kim lived much of his life wandering abroad, in Moscow, Geneva, Beijing, Paris and Macau, the Chinese gambling enclave.
Kim Jong Un's brother, who was killed in Malaysia on Monday, begged the North Korean leader to spare his life after escaping an earlier assassination attempt, the head of South Korean intelligence said on Wednesday.
韩国情报机构负责人周三表示,金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的同父异母长兄、周一在马来西亚吉隆坡机场遇袭身亡的金正男(Kim Jong Nam)在逃过先前的一次暗杀后,曾乞求朝鲜领导人放他一条生路。
Kim Jong Nam wrote to the supreme leader in 2012 to ask him to spare his life and those of his family, Lee Byung-ho, director of the National Intelligence Service, told lawmakers in Seoul.Mr.Lee said Pyongyang had been attempting to kill the elder Kim, who was once seen as the heir-apparent to the North Korean leadership, for five years.
韩国国家情报院(NIS)院长李炳浩(Lee Byung-ho)在首尔向韩国议员们作简报时表示,金正男曾在2012年致函朝鲜最高领袖,哀求金正恩饶了他和他的家人。李炳浩表示,平壤方面五年来一直试图除掉一度被视为继承人的金正男。
“If it was necessary for him to remove his brother, it implies Kim Jong Un worries about the possibility of elites waging a campaign to replace him,” said Kim Jaechun, a professor at Sogang University in Seoul.“Particularly because Kim Jong Nam was older and age is very important in Korean culture.”
“如果说他有必要铲除自己的兄长,那意味着金正恩担心精英们发动一场运动来取代他的可能性,”首尔西江大学(Sogang University)教授金宰春(Kim Jae-chun)表示。“特别是因为金正男是兄长,年龄在朝鲜文化中是非常重要的。”
North Korean officials, in a black limousine bearing their country's flag, arrived at the Kuala Lumpur hospital where the examination was being carried out on Wednesday afternoon amid speculation that Pyongyang was attempting to block any investigation.
Kuala Lumpur police yesterday made a third arrest as they hunted for Kim Jong Nam's killers.
正在追捕刺杀金正男(Kim Jong-nam)杀手的吉隆坡警方昨日逮捕了第三名嫌犯。
Siti Aishah, 25, who was carrying an Indonesian passport, had been apprehended on the basis of footage from closed-circuit television, police said.
警方表示此人名为西蒂·艾莎(Siti Aishah),25岁,持印度尼西亚护照,警方是根据闭路电视的录像画面将其逮捕的。
Her Malaysian boyfriend, Muhammad Farid bin Jalaluddin, 26, was remanded in custody on Wednesday, when a 28-year-old woman named as Doan Thi Huong, who holds a Vietnamese passport, was also detained.
她的马来西亚男友穆罕默德·法里德·本·贾拉勒丁(Muhammad Farid bin Jalaluddin),26岁,于周三被拘留,同日落网的还有一名持越南护照的28岁女子Doan Thi Huong。
One of two women detained in connection with the apparent lethal poisoning of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's half brother was seen on airport surveillance video wearing a shirt with the letters “LOL” emblazoned across the front.
The acronym, popular with social media and smartphone users, stands for “laugh out loud.”
这个缩略词,是流行的网络用语,常用于社交媒体和智能手机用户间,意思是“大声笑”(laugh out loud)。
When North Korea held a state funeral for its leader, Kim Jong-il, in 2011, one son was conspicuously absent.
The absence of Kim Jong-nam—the eldest son of the family, who was bound by Korean tradition to preside over the funeral—was all the evidence outside analysts needed to see how isolated he had become from the center of power in North Korea, the world's most secretive regime.
Never fully accepted by his family, sidelined by his powerful stepmother and haunted by fears of assassins, Mr.Kim lived much of his life wandering abroad, in Moscow, Geneva, Beijing, Paris and Macau, the Chinese gambling enclave.
Kim Jong Un's brother, who was killed in Malaysia on Monday, begged the North Korean leader to spare his life after escaping an earlier assassination attempt, the head of South Korean intelligence said on Wednesday.
韩国情报机构负责人周三表示,金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的同父异母长兄、周一在马来西亚吉隆坡机场遇袭身亡的金正男(Kim Jong Nam)在逃过先前的一次暗杀后,曾乞求朝鲜领导人放他一条生路。
Kim Jong Nam wrote to the supreme leader in 2012 to ask him to spare his life and those of his family, Lee Byung-ho, director of the National Intelligence Service, told lawmakers in Seoul.Mr.Lee said Pyongyang had been attempting to kill the elder Kim, who was once seen as the heir-apparent to the North Korean leadership, for five years.
韩国国家情报院(NIS)院长李炳浩(Lee Byung-ho)在首尔向韩国议员们作简报时表示,金正男曾在2012年致函朝鲜最高领袖,哀求金正恩饶了他和他的家人。李炳浩表示,平壤方面五年来一直试图除掉一度被视为继承人的金正男。
“If it was necessary for him to remove his brother, it implies Kim Jong Un worries about the possibility of elites waging a campaign to replace him,” said Kim Jaechun, a professor at Sogang University in Seoul.“Particularly because Kim Jong Nam was older and age is very important in Korean culture.”
“如果说他有必要铲除自己的兄长,那意味着金正恩担心精英们发动一场运动来取代他的可能性,”首尔西江大学(Sogang University)教授金宰春(Kim Jae-chun)表示。“特别是因为金正男是兄长,年龄在朝鲜文化中是非常重要的。”
North Korean officials, in a black limousine bearing their country's flag, arrived at the Kuala Lumpur hospital where the examination was being carried out on Wednesday afternoon amid speculation that Pyongyang was attempting to block any investigation.
Kuala Lumpur police yesterday made a third arrest as they hunted for Kim Jong Nam's killers.
正在追捕刺杀金正男(Kim Jong-nam)杀手的吉隆坡警方昨日逮捕了第三名嫌犯。
Siti Aishah, 25, who was carrying an Indonesian passport, had been apprehended on the basis of footage from closed-circuit television, police said.
警方表示此人名为西蒂·艾莎(Siti Aishah),25岁,持印度尼西亚护照,警方是根据闭路电视的录像画面将其逮捕的。
Her Malaysian boyfriend, Muhammad Farid bin Jalaluddin, 26, was remanded in custody on Wednesday, when a 28-year-old woman named as Doan Thi Huong, who holds a Vietnamese passport, was also detained.
她的马来西亚男友穆罕默德·法里德·本·贾拉勒丁(Muhammad Farid bin Jalaluddin),26岁,于周三被拘留,同日落网的还有一名持越南护照的28岁女子Doan Thi Huong。
One of two women detained in connection with the apparent lethal poisoning of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's half brother was seen on airport surveillance video wearing a shirt with the letters “LOL” emblazoned across the front.
The acronym, popular with social media and smartphone users, stands for “laugh out loud.”
这个缩略词,是流行的网络用语,常用于社交媒体和智能手机用户间,意思是“大声笑”(laugh out loud)。