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    “With time-rich baby-boomers driving growth in adventure travel, we're increasingly seeing our clients take longer, once-in-a-lifetime trips, and nowhere is hotter right now than the countries of the Silk Road,” says Jonny Bealby of Wild Frontiers.
    “随着有充裕时间的婴儿潮一代成为冒险游主力军,历时更长、一生一次的旅游甚嚣尘上,而丝路沿线国家如今成为最热门的旅游目的地。”Wild Frontiers旅行社创始人Jonny Bealby说。

    He says demand has been boosted by recent books and television programmes, including Peter Frankopan's best-selling historical epic, The Silk Roads, Sam Willis' BBC series The Silk Road and comedian David Baddiel's Discovery Channel documentary, On the Silk Road.
    他说丝路沿线国家旅游需求大幅增长,推波助澜者是新近出版的旅游图书与相关电视节目,其中就有Peter Frankopan的历史巨著《丝绸之路》、Sam Willis主持的BBC纪录片《丝绸之路》以及喜剧明星David Baddiel的探索频道纪录片《On the Silk Road》。

    For those without the months needed to make a full journey along the route, Uzbekistan offers a convenient taste of some of the highlights — including the mosques, mausoleums, mosaics and minarets of the ancient trading cities of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand.However, the allure of such sites has always been tempered by the difficulties of getting a visa (until recently, for example, the London embassy would only accept payment by postal order, while travellers arriving overland have occasionally found the borders unexpectedly closed to mark public holidays).

    With the passing in September of Islam Karimov, the strongman president who had ruled since 1990, there are signs the country may now open up.Shavkat Mirziyoyev was sworn in as Karimov's successor at the start of this month and already his government has announced a desire to see the “intensive development of tourism”.

    To that end, from April 2017 citizens of 15 countries (including the UK, Australia, Canada and several European nations) will no longer require any sort of visa (though there's still a $50 entry fee).Citizens of a further 12 countries will also not need visas, but only if they are over 55 — presumably because Mirziyoyev, like Bealby, has identified wealthy baby-boomers as an important target market.
      上一篇:读《FT·金融时报》学英语:九大热门目的地01.Nepal/尼泊尔 下一篇:读《FT·金融时报》学英语:九大热门目的地03.Kenya/肯尼亚


