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    Like Nepal, another story of recovery rather than discovery.“It's had the perfect storm over the past four years,” says George Morgan-Grenville of Red Savannah — the kidnapping of tourists by Somali pirates in 2011, Al Shabaab's attacks, including the shootings in the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, then fears about the west African ebola outbreak (though there were actually no cases in Kenya).
    与尼泊尔一样,肯尼亚同样是劫后重建而非“新大陆发现”。“过去四年,肯尼亚可以说祸不单行、灾祸连连。” Red Savannah创始人George Morgan-Grenville说——包括了2011年索马里海盗绑架游客案、索马里青年党(al-Shabaab)发动包括内罗毕西门购物中心枪击案在内的系列恐袭案以及而后的西非埃博拉病大爆发造成的大恐慌(尽管肯尼亚没有发生一例病毒感染案例)。

    Tourist arrivals by air fell from 1.26m in 2011 to 748,000 in 2015.“It's a shame because people on the safari circuit weren't acutally affected, but many tourism businesses have been to the brink of having to shut up shop,” says Morgan-Grenville.

    Visitors began to return in 2016 as security fears eased and tour operators are hoping for a bounce back in the coming 12 months.The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and US State Department have relaxed travel warnings (though both still advises against visiting the north coast and areas along the Somali border).

    The Kenyan authorities are keen to drive the tourism recovery: in Februrary Kenya will host a conference of 3,000 US travel agents — the US overtook the UK this year as the most important source of foreign visitors — and this month construction of a £2.8m cruise ship terminal began in Mombasa.Entry fees for safari parks have been cut, and in some cases abolished for children — “Big steps in the right direction when for most countries when it comes to park fees ‘the only way is up',” says Chris McIntyre of Expert Africa.
    肯尼亚政府也热切希望能重振旅游业:该国下月将举办由3000名美国旅游代理参加的大会(美国今年已超过英国成为肯尼亚最大的外国游客来源国);耗资2800万美元的游轮停靠母港本月将在蒙巴萨破土动工。野生动物园门票部分减免,有些情况下儿童票则全免——“大多数国家公园门票‘只涨不跌'的情况下,肯尼亚政府采取上述措施实乃‘无比正确的大手笔'。”Expert Africa旅行社总经理Chris McIntyre说。

    He suggests visiting Saruni Rhino, due to open in February in the semi-arid Sera Conservancy, where visitors will be able to track the endangered black rhino on foot, an experience unique in East Africa.
    他推荐游客游玩建在半干旱的塞拉保护区内、下月运营的Saruni Rhino酒店,游客届时可徒步寻找濒危黑犀牛,这种游历在东非旅游中无与伦比。
      上一篇:读《FT·金融时报》学英语:九大热门目的地02.Uzbekistan/乌兹别克斯坦 下一篇:读《FT·金融时报》学英语:九大热门目的地04.Finland/芬兰


