One of the most familiar stories from the Bible is the Parable of the Sower. A farmer sows seeds all over the place. Some fall on the road, where birds eat them. Some fall on rock, so they never take root. Others fall into thorny weeds that choke off their growth. Only the seeds thrown on good soil are able to grow and produce a crop and create many more seeds than were originally sown.
We not only receive seeds in our lifetime, we also hold them in the "good soil" of our hearts. When challenges get us down, we can look to our dreams of a better life. These dreams act as seeds for the realities that will come. Our faith is the rich soil that brings those seeds to life.
Those who loved me always encouraged me. They planted seeds in my heart. They assured me that I had blessings that could benefit others. Some days I believed them. Some days I didn't. But they never gave up on me. They knew that at times they were planting on pavement, or in the weeds. Yet they trusted that their seeds would take root.
My family planted seeds every morning as I went off to school: "Have a good day, Nicholas! Do your best and God will do the rest!"
There were days when I'd think, Yeah, yeah, God has a mean sense of humor because I know I'll be teased today on the playground.
Sure enough, as soon as I rolled onto the school grounds in my wheelchair, some jerk would be telling me I had a flat tire or that they wanted to use me as a doorstop in the library. Very funny.
On those days of discouragement, the supportive words from my parents fell on hard ground. There was nothing to nurture them. I was too bitter at the circumstances I'd been born into.
But in the months and years following my bad trip to the bathtub, more and more of their encouragement fell on fertile ground. Part of it was that I won over my classmates with my determination and outgoing personality. I still had my down days, but I had fewer of them.
伟大的励志作家诺曼·文生·皮尔(Norman Vincem Peale)说过:“要成为‘可能主义者’,无论你的人生看起来多黑暗,请拉高你的视野,看看有什么可能性。你总是会看到可能性,因为它们一直都在。”
The great inspirational author Norman Vincent Peale once said, "Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark your life seems to be, raise your sights and see the possibilities. Always see them, for they are always there."
You may never be a Presbyterian or a Rotarian, but you should always be a card-carrying Possibilitarian. Without trust in the possibilities for your life, where would you be? Where would any of us be? Our hopes for the future give us momentum. They keep us moving forward through the inevitable hard times, the discouragement, and the despair.
My Possibilitarian tendencies showed up early in life. I was six or seven when I wrote and illustrated my first book. The title was The Unicorn That Had No Wings. It's no deep mystery where I came up with that concept, but I have to say that my little parable drawn from my own life still offers a nice message about faith. (Don't worry. It's short. I was only six when I wrote it.)
Once there was a mother unicorn who was having a baby.
When the unicorn grew, it didn't have any wings.
The mother unicorn said, "What happened to her wings?"
When the unicorn went for a walk, she could see unicorns flying in the sky. Then a little boy came to the unicorn and said: "What happened to your wings?"
The unicorn answered: "I didn't grow any wings, little boy."
Then the little boy said: "I'll try and make you someplastic wings."
It took him an hour to make the plastic wings for the unicorn.
When the boy was finished, he asked the unicorn if hecould go on the unicorn's back, and the unicorn said to the boy: "Yes you can."
So they went for a run, then the unicorn started to fly, and the unicorn shouted: "It worked. It worked."
When the unicorn stopped flying, the boy got off the unicorn's back. Then the unicorn went back in the sky.The little boy said to the unicorn. "Congratulations, unicorn!"
The little boy went back home. He told his mum and his two sisters and his brother what had happened to the unicorn.
The unicorn lived happily ever after.
The End
We all wish to live happily ever after. Even if you believe you can handle the hard times and savor the good times, disappointments will occur. But the happy ending should always be your goal. Why not shoot for it?