BBC news.
A senior member of Spain’s governing Peoples Party has told the BBC that the sacked leader of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont has committed an act of desperation and as he put, fleeing Spain for Belgium. Fernando Mayo said Mr. Puigdemont departure indicated that his push for Catalan independence was a mistake and he failed. The Spanish authorities are seeking to charge sacked Catalan leaders with rebellion and sedition.
西班牙执政党人民党一名资深成员告诉BBC,下台的加泰罗尼亚地区领导人卡莱斯·普伊格德蒙特做出了绝望的举动,逃离西班牙前往比利时。Fernando Mayo表示,普伊格德蒙特的离开意味着他推动加泰罗尼亚独立的举动是错误的,以失败告终。西班牙当局意图控告被解雇的加泰罗尼亚领导人叛国罪和煽动叛乱罪。
600 asylum seekers hoping to reach Australia have barricaded themselves inside the detention center in Papua New Guinea. They tried to stop its imminent closure because they fear being attacked by local people if they move to new centers nearby.
A special service will be held on Tuesday in the German town of Wittenberg at the churches where Christianity’s reformation was set in motion exactly 500 years ago. The theologian Martin Luther is said to nail his 95 theses to the church door, strongly criticizing the poll upon the Roman Catholic Church that led the birth of Apostle Christianity.
Facebook says 126 million Americans may have been coming to contact with Russian-backed propaganda before and after last year’s presidential election. Twitter and Google also say they will use to share devices of posts trace to Russia.
脸谱表示,去年美国大选前后,1.26亿美国人接触过俄罗斯 宣传。推特和谷歌表示,他们利用这些推文分享设备追踪到了俄罗斯。
The Chinese parliament is considering jail terms of up to 3 years for people who disrespect the national anthem or flag in public. Under current laws, people who mock the national emblems can be detained up to 15 days.
Police in Japan have arrested a 27 year old man after finding 9 dismembered bodies at his home in Tokyo. Officers say the severed heads of two of the victims were stored inside picnic cooler boxes. Police were investigating the suspect Takahiro Shiraishi in connection with the disappearance of a woman last week.
警方逮捕了一名27岁的男子,因为在其日本家中发现了9具肢解的尸体。官员表示,两个受害者的头颅存放在野餐冷藏的盒子中。由于上周一名女子失踪,警方对嫌疑人Takahiro Shiraishi 展开了调查。
BBC news.
BBC news.
A senior member of Spain’s governing Peoples Party has told the BBC that the sacked leader of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont has committed an act of desperation and as he put, fleeing Spain for Belgium. Fernando Mayo said Mr. Puigdemont departure indicated that his push for Catalan independence was a mistake and he failed. The Spanish authorities are seeking to charge sacked Catalan leaders with rebellion and sedition.
600 asylum seekers hoping to reach Australia have barricaded themselves inside the detention center in Papua New Guinea. They tried to stop its imminent closure because they fear being attacked by local people if they move to new centers nearby.
A special service will be held on Tuesday in the German town of Wittenberg at the churches where Christianity’s reformation was set in motion exactly 500 years ago. The theologian Martin Luther is said to nail his 95 theses to the church door, strongly criticizing the poll upon the Roman Catholic Church that led the birth of Apostle Christianity.
Facebook says 126 million Americans may have been coming to contact with Russian-backed propaganda before and after last year’s presidential election. Twitter and Google also say they will use to share devices of posts trace to Russia.
The Chinese parliament is considering jail terms of up to 3 years for people who disrespect the national anthem or flag in public. Under current laws, people who mock the national ambulance can be detained up to 15 days.
Police in Japan have arrested a 27 year old man after finding 9 dismembered bodies at his home in Tokyo. Officers say the severed heads of two of the victims were stored inside picnic cooler boxes. Police were investigating the suspect Takahiro Shiraishi in connection with the disappearance of a woman last week.
BBC news.