Davos, filled to the brim with snow, is known by locals as the magic mountain, for its pristine air, healing properties and peaceful setting. But during the annual sojourn of the World Economic Forum, Davos morphs in to a haven for the global elite, and even a platform for globalization. This is my 27th year in attendance, serving as a witness to this rapid evolution.
The forum spent the last three decades building the brand around being at the center of radical global change starting in 1990, about two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the forum hosted West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and his East German counterpart Hans Modrow.
Next up, China`s leadership rolled into Davos to celebrate its role as a giant exporter.
Resistance at globalization surged at the dawn of the new millennium. Protesters made their way to Davos to show global CEOs and policymakers firsthand that change was moving too fast.
But none of this dented the forum. It rode a wave of growth with the architects behind the digital revolution. It served as a venue to help resolve global conflicts and they even debated the merits behind the global financial crisis.
A decade later, the game has completely changed. Enter Donald Trump, raising the populist tenor, threatening to erect trade barriers and putting America first. His protectionist zeal can potentially rock the very foundation of the forum.
十年后,立场已经完全改变了。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选,引发了民粹主义倾向,威胁要建立贸易壁垒,并将美国置于首位。他的保护主义热情可能会动摇论坛的根基。
From the 300 people that attended the first year I came to Davos, to ten times that amount now, 2018 is the year the forum is leaning in. There are record number of government leaders, the emerging market darling India, its prime minister will have a high profile, juxtapose against Mr. Anti-Globalization, Donald Trump himself.
Davos man or Davos woman, the term used where the ultimate globalist, has met its match in the U.S. president, as this enclave in the Alps fights to stay relevant for the next half century.
“达沃斯人”(Davos man)或“达沃斯女性”(Davos woman)是“终极全球主义者”在美国总统竞选中一种称谓。在阿尔卑斯山的这块飞地,在未来的半个世纪里,人们都在努力保持自己的地位。
Davos, filled to the brim with snow, is known by locals as the magic mountain, for its pristine air, healing properties and peaceful setting. But during the annual sojourn of the World Economic Forum, Davos morphs in to a haven for the global elite, and even a platform for globalization. This is my 27th year in attendance, serving as a witness to this rapid evolution.
The forum spent the last three decades building the brand around being at the center of radical global change starting in 1990, about two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the forum hosted West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and his East German counterpart Hans Modrow.
Next up, China`s leadership rolled into Davos to celebrate its role as a giant exporter.
Resistance at globalization surged at the dawn of the new millennium. Protesters made their way to Davos to show global CEOs and policymakers firsthand that change was moving too fast.
But none of this dented the forum. It rode a wave of growth with the architects behind the digital revolution. It served as a venue to help resolve global conflicts and they even debated the merits behind the global financial crisis.
A decade later, the game has completely changed. Enter Donald Trump, raising the populist tenor, threatening to erect trade barriers and putting America first. His protectionist zeal can potentially rock the very foundation of the forum.
From the 300 people that attended the first year I came to Davos, to ten times that amount now, 2018 is the year the forum is leaning in. There are record number of government leaders, the emerging market darling India, its prime minister will have a high profile, juxtapose against Mr. Anti-Globalization, Donald Trump himself.
Davos man or Davos woman, the term used where the ultimate globalist, has met its match in the U.S. president, as this enclave in the Alps fights to stay relevant for the next half century.