CNN News: 载美国议员列车与垃圾车相撞
教程:2018年02月CNN新闻听力  浏览:465  
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    Investigators are trying to figure out what led to an accident yesterday that involved a large garbage truck and train carrying dozens of members of the U.S. Congress.


    Almost 100 Republicans, including senators, representatives and House Speaker Paul Ryan were headed to a retreat in West Virginia when the train they were traveling on collided with the tractor trailer. The driver of the truck was killed. Six other people, including two Amtrak crewmembers were hospitalized.


    Except for some minor injuries, all the members of Congress were reportedly OK. Several of them thanked the first responders and asked people to pray for the victims of the accident and their families. And because some of the lawmakers are doctors or have medical training, they were able to help those who were hurt.


    U.S. President Donald Trump said the Republican lawmakers conference would go on as planned.



    Investigators are trying to figure out what led to an accident yesterday that involved a large garbage truck and train carrying dozens of members of the U.S. Congress.

    Almost 100 Republicans, including senators, representatives and House Speaker Paul Ryan were headed to a retreat in West Virginia when the train they were traveling on collided with the tractor trailer. The driver of the truck was killed. Six other people, including two Amtrak crewmembers were hospitalized.

    Except for some minor injuries, all the members of Congress were reportedly OK. Several of them thanked the first responders and asked people to pray for the victims of the accident and their families. And because some of the lawmakers are doctors or have medical training, they were able to help those who were hurt.

    U.S. President Donald Trump said the Republican lawmakers conference would go on as planned.

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