Meaning/Usage: A little; kind of 一点 有点 一部分
Explanation: Usually used to express a lesser degree.
"Dinner was sort of expensive."
"I sort of like her."
"I sort of know how to cook."
A. "Do you know how to get to the airport?"
B. "Sort of. But it's hard for me to explain."
A. "Never mind then, I will just look the directions up."
B. "Sorry I couldn't be more help."
Other Common Sentences
"A little bit."
"I kind of know."
Explanation: Usually used to express a lesser degree.
"Dinner was sort of expensive."
"I sort of like her."
"I sort of know how to cook."
A. "Do you know how to get to the airport?"
B. "Sort of. But it's hard for me to explain."
A. "Never mind then, I will just look the directions up."
B. "Sorry I couldn't be more help."
Other Common Sentences
"A little bit."
"I kind of know."