Meaning/Usage: Used when you are planning to pay half of something.
Explanation: To pay 50% of the bill with another person who will pay the other 50% of the bill.
"Thanks for having dinner with us. Let's split the bill fifty-fifty."
"Let's split our winnings fifty-fifty."
"Let's split the tab for drinks fifty-fifty."
A. "That was a fun night. How much is our bill?"
B. "I'm not sure. Did we order the same number of drinks?"
A. "The difference is not going to be big. Let's just split it fifty-fifty."
B. "OK sounds good."
Other Common Sentences
"Let's divide it equally."
"Let's do it evenly."
"Let's split it in half."
Explanation: To pay 50% of the bill with another person who will pay the other 50% of the bill.
"Thanks for having dinner with us. Let's split the bill fifty-fifty."
"Let's split our winnings fifty-fifty."
"Let's split the tab for drinks fifty-fifty."
A. "That was a fun night. How much is our bill?"
B. "I'm not sure. Did we order the same number of drinks?"
A. "The difference is not going to be big. Let's just split it fifty-fifty."
B. "OK sounds good."
Other Common Sentences
"Let's divide it equally."
"Let's do it evenly."
"Let's split it in half."