Meaning/Usage: Get a good nights sleep
Explanation: Comes from the saying, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Sleep tight, you have a lot to get done tomorrow."
"I hope you sleep tight after an exhausting day."
"Not sure if she will sleep tight after watching that scary movie."
A. "Our daughter woke up 2 times during the night."
B. "Is she ok?"
A. "Yes, she just had a tummy ache and could not sleep well."
B. "Tell her I said sleep tight and I hope that she feels better soon."
Other Common Sentences
"Get a good night sleep."
"Hope you sleep well."
Explanation: Comes from the saying, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Sleep tight, you have a lot to get done tomorrow."
"I hope you sleep tight after an exhausting day."
"Not sure if she will sleep tight after watching that scary movie."
A. "Our daughter woke up 2 times during the night."
B. "Is she ok?"
A. "Yes, she just had a tummy ache and could not sleep well."
B. "Tell her I said sleep tight and I hope that she feels better soon."
Other Common Sentences
"Get a good night sleep."
"Hope you sleep well."