Meaning/Usage: Realistic; reasonable; sensible
Explanation: When you are down to earth, you are realistic, reasonable, and does not imagine unnecessary things.
"I really like them. They are so down to earth."
"They are really down to earth and easy to get along with."
"They live their life very down to earth."
A. "I really like how you handle different situations."
B. "I just try and deal with them the best I can."
A. "But you're so down to earth and deal with them very realistically."
B. "Thank you for your compliments."
Other Common Sentences
"You are very sensible."
"You are very reasonable and realistic."
Explanation: When you are down to earth, you are realistic, reasonable, and does not imagine unnecessary things.
"I really like them. They are so down to earth."
"They are really down to earth and easy to get along with."
"They live their life very down to earth."
A. "I really like how you handle different situations."
B. "I just try and deal with them the best I can."
A. "But you're so down to earth and deal with them very realistically."
B. "Thank you for your compliments."
Other Common Sentences
"You are very sensible."
"You are very reasonable and realistic."