Meaning/Usage: Used to tell someone that they will not get what they want.
Explanation: Although the sentences below are used in full sentences, this phrase is commonly used by itself.
"Sure you will be a millionaire one day, in your dreams."
"You will be as good as me in your dreams."
"You think you will beat me? In your dreams."
A. "I've been practicing shooting basketball with my dad."
B. "Are you getting any better?"
A. "I can beat you now."
B. "In your dreams, buddy!"
Other Common Sentences
"You wish."
Explanation: Although the sentences below are used in full sentences, this phrase is commonly used by itself.
"Sure you will be a millionaire one day, in your dreams."
"You will be as good as me in your dreams."
"You think you will beat me? In your dreams."
A. "I've been practicing shooting basketball with my dad."
B. "Are you getting any better?"
A. "I can beat you now."
B. "In your dreams, buddy!"
Other Common Sentences
"You wish."