Meaning/Usage: Expression used when something bad happens to you
Explanation: This is commonly used to tell someone that you are unlucky.
"That's just my luck, I never win at anything."
"Just my luck, my boss asked me to work late tonight."
"Just my luck, I got a speeding ticket on the way home."
A. "I hear you had to change your plans for this weekend?"
B. "Yeah, I have to work so we can't go to the beach with you."
A. "That's too bad."
B. "Yeah, it's just my luck."
Other Common Sentences
"I am so unlucky."
"Something went wrong for me."
"I have back luck."
Explanation: This is commonly used to tell someone that you are unlucky.
"That's just my luck, I never win at anything."
"Just my luck, my boss asked me to work late tonight."
"Just my luck, I got a speeding ticket on the way home."
A. "I hear you had to change your plans for this weekend?"
B. "Yeah, I have to work so we can't go to the beach with you."
A. "That's too bad."
B. "Yeah, it's just my luck."
Other Common Sentences
"I am so unlucky."
"Something went wrong for me."
"I have back luck."