104 battle,campaign和war
① battle意为“战斗,战役”,常用词,一般指具体的武装冲突或交战。
The battle was fought early in the morning. 战斗在清晨打响。
The French army was annihilated at the battle of Waterloo. 法军在滑铁卢战役中全军覆没。
② campaign意为“战役”,常指一系列有预定目标的军事行动,一次战役可以包括一系列的battle。
The Germans were defeated in the campaign of North Africa. 德国人在北非的战役中被击败。
The general risked his whole campaign on the outcome of one battle. 将军孤注一掷,以一次战斗的成败决定整个战役。
③ war意为“战争”,指国与国之间的战争,也指内战。
A war burst out between the two countries. 两国间爆发了战争。
Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world then. 德国当时几乎同世界所有国家处于交战状态。