427 lack,want和be short of
① lack强调所缺乏的东西,需要给予补充。
Whatever the child lacks in material comfort,its mother will make up in the form of love. 孩子在物质享受上的所缺,他妈妈都以爱加以补足。
② want是出于个人愿望上的不足、缺乏,要求不一定那么迫切。
My study wants some decorations such as paintings and famous sayings printed on strips of paper. 我的书房缺点装饰,比如说绘画和印在长纸条上的名言。
③ be short of的宾语往往是具体事物和物质,而lack的宾语往往是抽象名词。
This area is short of coal and other kinds of fuel. 这个地区缺少煤和其他燃料。(此句用 lack 代替 be short of 就比较正式,是书面体,不像平时说话了)