中国常用成语300个:291 - 300
教程:中国常用成语300个(双语)  浏览:319  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

    循序渐进in sequence;step by step;to make steady progress incrementally

    言行一致practice what they preach

    养儿防老(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age

    咬牙切齿gnashing one’s teeth;displaying extreme anger;fuming with rage between gritted teeth

    义不容辞be duty bound

    一帆风顺smooth sailing (lit. single sail;gentle wind)

    一见钟情to fall in love at first sight

    衣锦还乡to return in glory (lit. to come back to one’s hometown in silken robes)

    一举两得kill two birds with one stone (lit. one stone kills two birds)

    一鸣惊人become an overnight success

      上一篇:中国常用成语300个:281 - 290 下一篇:中国常用成语300个:301 - 310

