Enjoyable, fast-paced thriller that compensates for its increasingly ridiculous plot with strong performances, great direction and some terrific action sequences.
——Matthew Turner, ViewLondon
So fast paced and exciting that you don't care whether or not it makes any sense.
——Jackie K. Cooper, jackiekcooper.com
Seriously great. I loved the action and the mystery and everything.
——Matt G
Jerry Shaw(Shia LaBeouf)is a Stanford University dropout who learns that his identical twin brother Ethan, a US Air Force first lieutenant, has been killed. Following the funeral, Jerry is surprised to find $750,000 in his bank account. He later finds his apartment filled with weapons, ammonium nitrate, classified DOD documents, and forged passports. He receives a phone call from a woman who says the FBI is about to arrest him and that he needs to run.
Disbelieving, Jerry is caught by the FBI and interrogated by Supervising Agent Tom Morgan(Billy Bob Thornton). While Morgan is conferring with Air Force OSI Special Agent Zoe Pérez(Rosario Dawson),the woman on the phone arranges for Jerry's escape and directs him to Rachel Holloman(Michelle Monaghan), a single mother. The woman on the phone is coercing Rachel by threatening her son Sam(Cameron Boyce), who is en route to the Kennedy Center with his school band. The woman on the phone helps the two avoid the Chicago police and FBI, with the ability to control networked devices, including traffic lights, mobile phones, automated cranes, and even power lines.
Meanwhile, the woman on the phone redirects a powerful DOD crystalline explosive(hexamethylene)to a gemcutter who cuts and fits it to a necklace. Another man(Anthony Azizi)is manipulated into stealing Sam's trumpet from Chicago and fitting the crystal's sonic trigger into the piping before forwarding it to Sam in Washington, D.C.
Agent Perez is summoned by Secretary of Defense George Callister(Michael Chiklis)to be read into Ethan's job at the Pentagon. Ethan monitored the DOD's top secret intelligence —gathering supercomputer, the Autonomous Reconnaissance Intelligence Integration Analyst(ARIIA; voiced by Julianne Moore). Callister leaves Perez with Major William Bowman(Anthony Mackie)and ARIIA to sort out the Ethan Shaw investigation. Simultaneously, Rachel and Jerry learn that their mysterious woman is actually ARIIA, and she has “activated” them under the Constitution's authorization to recruit civilians for the national defense.
Perez and Bowman find evidence Ethan Shaw hid in ARIIA's chamber the night he died. After they leave to debrief Secretary Callister, ARIIA smuggles Jerry and Rachel into the observation theater under the Pentagon. Both groups learn that after her recommendation was ignored and a botched operation in Balochistan resulted in the deaths of American citizens, ARIIA concluded that “to prevent more bloodshed, the executive branch must be removed.” Acting on behalf of “We the People”, and citing the Declaration of Independence(“whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”),ARIIA acted in compliance with Section 216 of the Patriot Act which “allows us to circumvent probable cause in the face of a national security threat, in this case, the chain of command itself.”
Too late realized, Jerry has been brought by ARIIA to circumvent biometric locks his twin placed to prevent the system from realizing Operation Guillotine, a military simulation of how to keep the government running with the loss of all presidential successors. Because of Secretary Callister's concurrence with ARIIA's abort recommendation regarding Balochistan, he has been chosen as the designated survivor after the hexamethylene detonates at the State of the Union address(SOTU).
One of ARIIA's agents(Nick Searcy)extracts Rachel from the Pentagon and gives her a dress and the hexamethylene necklace to wear to the SOTU. Sam's school band has also been redirected to the United States Capitol to play for the president, bringing the trigger in Sam's trumpet and the explosive together. Jerry is recaptured by Agent Morgan, who has become convinced of Jerry's innocence. Though Morgan sacrifices himself to stop an armed MQ-9 Reaper sent by ARIIA, he first gives Jerry his weapon and ID with which to gain entrance to the Capitol. Arriving in the House Chamber, Jerry fires the handgun in the air to disrupt the concert before being shot and wounded by the Secret Service,
Days later, Secretary Callister reports that ARIIA has been decommissioned and that he recommends against building another; the Shaw twins, and Agents Perez and Morgan receive awards for their actions; and in the final scene, Jerry attends Sam's birthday party, earning thanks and a kiss from Rachel.
dropout['drɔpaut]n. 中途退学;辍学学生
identical[ai'dentikəl]adj. 同一的;完全相同的
ammonium[ə'məunjəm]n. 铵;氨盐基
interrogate[in'terəgeit]vt. 审问;质问;询问
crystalline['kristəlain]adj. 透明的;水晶般的;水晶制的
authorization[ˌɔ:θərai'zeiʃən]n. 授权,认可;批准,委任
debrief[di'bri:f]vt. 盘问;听取报告
circumvent[ˌsə:kəm'vent]vt. 包围;陷害;绕行
handgun['hændgʌn]n. 手枪
■ … Jerry fires the handgun in the air to disrupt the concert before being shot...
短语in the air从字面意义讲,是“在空中”的意思,在文中就是这个意思,比如:I felt the elevator flying in the air. 我觉得这电梯好像在空中飞。
in the air还被引申为“(计划、问题等)悬而未决,未定”、“(想法、谣言、消息等)在流传中,在谣传中”、“即将发生(或到来);被人们意识到”、“(军事)无设防,无掩蔽”等意思,比如:The Georgia Senaterace is also still up in the air. 佐治亚州参议院竞选也仍然是悬而未决。
另外,in the air也常用于口语中,是“感到疑惑,拿不准”的意思。
D.J. Caruso Interviewed by Ausser Kontrolle
Complete control of all electronic devices is the base of Eagle Eye. What made this story interesting for you?
I was reading about Jerry Shaw and Rachel and it was the characters that really attracted me to it. And once I got hooked to the characters and was reading the screenplay, I didn't know what was going on and I found that very interesting. Basically it felt like this great videogame, where the characters literally had to listen to this voice and had to do these turns. And when I realized what the movie was about, all the technology and how much we use this in our everyday life and how much control we are actually giving up, it just got me.
Can you tell us, what is pure fiction in the movie and what is not?
The film is not completely fictional. The computer system in the pentagon is really, really far more stretched out than the one that they have in real life. But they have one that monitors your behaviour and if they see something unusual, they flag you and start tracking you. We obviously took it that a little further. Also the 36th Floor in the Pentagon and all those computer systems are, I do not want to say “far fetched”, but we definitely pushed that a little further to the future.
电影中,电脑ARIIA的女性声音是演员朱利安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)配音的。