![百年50部英文烧脑电影赏析:[38]State of Play 国家要案](http://www.tingclass.net/uploads/2018/0612/20180612023845273.jpg)
——Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer
Represents mainstream Hollywood filmmaking at its best.
——David Stratton, At the Movies(Australia)
If you have never watched this movie then I recommend that you do so. Excellent storyline, actors, and acting. You can rent it on iTunes for $2.99, well worth it.
——Carolyn M
One night, a thief fleeing through Georgetown in Washington, D.C. is shot by a man carrying a briefcase. A pizza delivery man who witnesses the incident is also shot by the killer and is left in a coma. The following morning, a young woman is killed by a Washington Metro train in an apparent suicide. Congressman Stephen Collins(Ben Affleck)of Pennsylvania is distraught to hear the news, he claims because the woman was Sonia Baker(Maria Thayer), a lead researcher on his staff. Collins, who has military experience, is leading an investigation into PointCorp, a private defense contractor with controversial operations involving mercenaries. Collins tells his old friend Cal McAffrey(Russell Crowe), an investigative reporter, that he had been having an affair with Sonia and that she had sent him a cheerful video message on the morning of her death, which he says is inconsistent and unusual behavior for someone about to commit suicide.
![百年50部英文烧脑电影赏析:[38]State of Play 国家要案](http://www.tingclass.net/uploads/2018/0612/20180612023901248.jpg)
It is revealed that PointCorp stands to gain $40 billion annually from its mercenary activities in the Middle East and domestically. Cal speaks with Collins, who shares his research findings — PointCorp is cooperating with other defense contractors to create a monopoly and purchase government surveillance and defense contracts, essentially privatizing United States security from the government. Cal's PointCorp insider returns with the address of someone linked to the suspected assassin. Cal finds the assassin living there and calls the police, who force the man to disappear after he shoots at Cal.
Della, following a close lead, finds the identity of the well-dressed man who was speaking to Sonia in the listed photographs. He is Dominic Foy(Jason Bateman), a PR executive working for a subsidiary of PointCorp. Cal blackmails him into talking about his activities with Sonia and secretly tapes their conversation. The PR executive reveals that Sonia was actually paid to spy on Collins and seduce him to get informations for PointCorp, but then she fell in love with Collins and she was already pregnant with his child when she was killed.
Before Cal's newspaper goes to press, Collins goes on record to present his research into PointCorp. Collins' wife Anne(Robin Wright Penn)reveals that she knows the amount of money Sonia received from PointCorp, after just hearing Collins' statement to the newspaper. After the couple leaves, Cal realizes that Collins knew already that Sonia was working for PointCorp. Cal then wonders what Collins would have done had he known he had been tricked and whether Collins himself is connected with Sonia's assassin. A picture of Collins from his military days, with the assassin in the frame, confirms Cal's hunch. Collins reveals that he had been suspicious of Sonia, and that he hired the assassin to watch her. The assassin is U.S. Army Corporal Robert Bingham(Michael Berresse), whose life Collins had once saved. Collins says that Bingham hated PointCorp more than he did and he killed Sonia with no authorization from him.
Cal tells Collins that he has three minutes to leave his office before the police arrive, as he has already contacted them. As he leaves the building, Cal is confronted by Bingham. Officers arrive and shoot Bingham before he opens fire. Cal leaves and goes to his office. There, Cal and Della type up their own story, noting that Collins was secured and arrested.
![百年50部英文烧脑电影赏析:[38]State of Play 国家要案](http://www.tingclass.net/uploads/2018/0612/20180612023918417.jpg)
distraught[dis'trɔ:t]adj. 发狂的;心烦意乱的
mercenary['mə:sinəri]n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者
inconsistent[ˌinkən'sistənt]adj. 不一致的;前后矛盾的
surveillance[sə:'veiləns]n. 监督;监视
domestically[də'mestikəli]adv. 国内地;家庭式地;适合国内地
monopoly[mə'nɔpəli]n. 垄断;垄断者;专卖权
subsidiary[səb'sidiəri]n. 子公司;辅助者
authorization[ˌɔ:θərai'zei∫ən]n. 授权;认可;批准;委任
■ Cal and Della type up their own story
type up是英语中的一个固定搭配,如果你type up a text that has been written by hand, you produce a typed copy of it. 也就是“把(手写稿)打出来;把……打印成文”的意思,比如:When the first draft was completed, Nichols typed it up. 当初稿完成时,尼科尔斯把它打了出来。
Russell Crowe interviewed by Rob Carnevale
I gather director Kevin Macdonald got on a plane to Australia to persuade you to take the part in State of Play. Did you need much persuading?
I didn't need persuading but I certainly wanted to meet him. I don't base my decisions on a very complex set of rules. So, let's go back to how the request came to me, because I have a very strong working history with Universal [the distributor]. The complete list of films we've done together are Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man and American Gangster. So, when the request came in to consider this, it wasn't just coming from people I'd worked with before, it was coming from people I had a long-term friendship with. The studio were in a bit of bother. They'd spent a considerable sum of money. But there were also people I knew in the crew. So, I got the odd call from friends of long-standing saying: “Listen man, the difference between you doing this or not doing this is whether or not I should buy Christmas presents for my kids.” But you should be able to write that sort of email if you're a good friend.
Did the role give you a newfound appreciation for journalism and how tricky the job can be?
Not at all. I think that if there are problems in journalism they're created by journalists... the trivialisation of the news and the sort of snyed, cynical allowance of untruth to be in a newspaper because it might be titillating. I think if there's some kind of crisis in news journalism at the moment... a crisis of credibility, then it's been created by journalists. I'm empathetic, I understand it and I see it, but I'm not sympathetic about it. If you want people to think of journalism with higher regard then do better work.
![百年50部英文烧脑电影赏析:[38]State of Play 国家要案](http://www.tingclass.net/uploads/2018/0612/20180612023935528.jpg)