外国人日常短语 第464期:You're telling me that...?
教程:外国人常用的英语短语  浏览:403  
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       You're telling me that ...? 你对我说……?

      You're telling me you didn't try to hit him? 你是说当时你没有想打他?

      You're telling me I can't see her? 你是说我没办法见她了?

      You're telling me there're a million dollars here? 你是说,这里有一百万美元?

      I'm going to be busy the night of your party.  你开派对的那天晚上,我应该会很忙。

      You're telling me that you won't come? 你是说你不能来了?

      上一篇:外国人日常短语 第463期:There's no telling... 下一篇:外国人日常短语 第465期:be told

