外国人日常短语 第465期:be told
教程:外国人常用的英语短语  浏览:446  
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       be told  听成……

      I was told that the doors close at nine. 据我所知,大门会在9点关闭。

      I was told you had a question for me. 我听说你对我有个疑问。

      I have been told that I'm a very good kisser, all right? 我听说大家认为我是个接吻高手,是吗?

      How cold is it going to get? 会变得多冷呢?

      I was told it will fall below freezing. 我听说要降到冰点以下了。

      上一篇:外国人日常短语 第464期:You're telling me that...? 下一篇:外国人日常短语 第466期:I can tell you...

