Why blink at me, honey? 为什么朝我眨眼睛,宝贝?
What's on your mind? 你在想什么呢?
My eyes are not comfortable. 我眼睛不舒服。
Anything got in your eyes? 什么东西进眼睛里了吗?
No, my eyes itch and I feel dry. 不是,眼睛又痒又干。
Your eyes are tired. 你眼睛累了。
Leave your iPad. 别玩iPad了。
Don't focus on the screen for too long.不要盯着屏幕太久。
It can strain your eyes. 这样会用眼过度的。
Can I use some eye drops? 我能用眼药水吗?
Lie on your back. 平躺下。
It is better to cover your eyes with an iced towel.
Can I rub my eyes? 我能揉眼睛吗?
You can do some eye exercises. 你可以做眼保健操。
It would be really good for your sight. 会对你的视力非常好的。
Can I go out and play for a while?我能出去玩一会儿吗?
Sure, but remember to wear your sunglasses.